Monday, December 20

When Parents Text

The website, When Parents Text, is my new favorite. Sometimes it's a difficult transition for parents to learn new technology and keep up with their crazy kids. We might as well reap the benefits of their struggles. Check it out!!
p.s. shout out to my cousin Sara for telling me about it!

MOM:Can you please call me when you need to be picked up! Don’t do anything stupid! :-)8
ME:What is that emoticon?
MOM:bowtie man! He doesn’t do anything stupid

MOM:Hey! Check out the birthday greeting I put up on your brother’s FB!
ME:It just says, “Happy birthday!”
MOM:Yeah. I though it would be nice.

MOM:Hi honey please stop using so much vodka for your pasta recipes we dont have any left XO mom

MOM:I’m on twitter now. I tweet all day!
MOM:ooo laaa laaa, JLO is making chicken parm tonight. mmmm
ME:I hope this is a joke.
MOM:twitter me! everyone is following me everywhere

1 comment:

Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

Funny! I also love Damn You Autocorrect. It's hilarious!